Todd Rohlsson is a full time professional psychic who lives in the Seattle, Washington area. He has an office in Lynnwood, Wash. and Seattle, Wash. He is available for Skype readings all over the world too. For over 25 years he has expanded his abilities on inner and outer realms of consciousness. He now works fully from a hard wired and aligned Higher Self system. This is a fantastic system for a psychic. Being the center point of direct KNOWING enables him to bypass the old medium and general vibration systems that most psychics work from. The Higher Self system also enhances multi dimensional information to flow through with ease. Todd also works with your Akashic records to clear mis-aligned contracts and old paradigm systems on very high levels. This can Change, diminish, and dissolve huge issues in one's life, freeing energy from cellular body systems. Cool stuff!
Todd also created vibrational energy discs over seven years ago. He calls this work Living Light Alchemy Designs. These energy discs transcend space and time by funneling (through the specific pattern of each design) energy from higher “Unified” realms into our time. You can see them here on There are four categories of discs - Earth Magic (Physical Manifestation), Light Magic (Higher Self empowerment), Healing designs (Clearing and maintenance), and Angelic Shield discs (Psychic and physical protection). Enjoy!
These discs were released in October of 2010 after working for two full years on the process. There were 8 original geometries (2 Angelic Protectors, White Light, Diamond Conscousness, Amplifier/Manifestor, Healing Disc, Divine Love, and a retired design). The inspiration for this work came from many places. One, is from the late Masuru Emoto. His work comprised taking microscopic photography of water crytals to explain intent and focus. I highly recommend checking out his work! "Everything is energy, and patterns of energy can be created by intent"
*** Each design produces a specific frequency and can be defined in 4 specific energies ***
1) Earth Magic - Energies which help manifest on the physical plane and create magic for your life on Earth
2) Light Magic - Energies that support Higher Self growth, alignment, and speeding up consciousness
3) Protection Talismans - Energies which spin a field of psychic protection around oneself and others
4) Healing Designs - Energies that support the repair and healing of body, mind, and spirit