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These Combo's are below


EMF Healer Combo Disc

New Unified Healer Combo Disc 

Super Abundance Combo Disc

Super Protection Combo Disc

Dream Child Combo Disc

Inner Vision Combo Disc



Price List website Combo page.jpg

The New Universe Healer Combo consists of SIX designs (2X layers for 2
of the designs) and has been created to assist in speeding up
healingon ALL levels of the body.  

NewU - 2 inch holding square pic.jpg
NewU - 2 inch front pic stand.jpg
NUH 3 inch holding.jpg
COMBO page Universal Healer.jpg

This design has been created for one main purpose - TO protect the body, brain, and home from the shocking amounts of electrical, magnetic, and non-aligned frequencies that are inundating our lives. Studies are not supportive of electromagnetic frequencies that emanate from cell phones, cell phone towers and smart meters to name just a few.  The EMF SYSTEM blocks/eliminates those frequencies by breaking them up energetically with higher vibrational light energy.  THE secondary purpose is to heal, clear, and strengthen the body on all levels.  With the addition of the NEW UNIVERSE HEALER (2x layered), ARCHFIELD, & MAGICAL FORCE (Hidden).  

Wear a talisman (2") or carry (2") for walking about each day -
Use a 3" disc for an office or room -
Use a 4", 5", or 6' inch disc for a home 

Old EMF design front.jpg
Old EMF holding it.jpg
Combo PHOTO diff sizes EMF.jpg
EMF COMBO jpg.jpg


Brings about Abundance on every level of reality. What do you need?  What does your Soul need?  This design will bring more financial abundance for sure.  But, it brings about things that you need.  Perhaps it's a new friend, perhaps its a change of attitude or perspective.  This design just brings it to you.  COSMIC ABUNDANCE calls forth from the universe on ALL levels what a Soul desires and needs. The GOLDEN AMPLIFIER adds good luck and physical manifestation. It is programmable and will respond to aligned intent.  

WEBSITE Renewel.jpg
Cosmic Abundance website j.jpg
Old Super Abundance back.jpg
COMBO page Super A.jpg


Is a disc that protects those that feel uncomfortable on the planet, the emotional Soul's who absorb emotions and anger, the rare Beings who people tend to take energy from, and those that want to just be comfortable in their own shoes.  The design creates space by High frequency vibration pushing energy out 24/7 into space and time. It will clear space and shield people from inappropriate energy on every level.  My designs all come from a higher dimension where UNITY consciousness is the rule.  The rules are different there, and bringing the designs into physical dimension creates the ability to alter your reality too.  Once one get used to the energy of the discs.  Then you naturally start to carry those frequencies too.  So, the designs teach and help one to become higher vibration with there presence.  

COMBO page Super Protector.jpg


This is a design that comprises 3 distinct energies. One comes from ascended Earth and is called STAR CHILD (Earth Magic).  STAR CHILD calms the nervous system, deepens sleep state. and brings magic.  WHITE LIGHT opens up higher dream states and strengthens vision.  The NEW AEON design frequency comes from a pure light universe and manifests vision, alignment and ascension choices. In this combo it helps activate a  beautiful and magical DreamTime and helps create new pathways forward.

COMBO page Dream C.jpg

Intuition Expansion

COMBO page INNER V.jpg
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